This is Cassandra Estrada. She has brownish greenish eyes, in other words hazel eyes. The camera to capture this image was set to flash,...
Self Criticism
This photo could have been captured better if I would have used Rule of Thirds. By having too much overexposure due to the sunlight, it...
Partner Criticism
My partner Christina decided to add photos of her dream car a Subaru Impreza Wrx STI. Personally I think WRXs are pretty cool and have a...
Studio Lighting and Edits
I opened this image in camera raw on photoshop to help with editing on the shadows and smoothness of Joel's face. I was able to remove...
Self Grade #1
Critique: _A_ Composition and Context - I explain my pictures and where they were captured at. _C_ Academic language/art terms (circle) -...
Photography Criticism
This wonderful picture was taken by my partner Christina Jauregui. I like this image because it captures the land with snow and tall pine...
My Favorite Image of 2016
This is my favorite picture because it looks like the water is the center of a sphere and on the outside is roots running down the...